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Tag: Mitsubishi delica D5 for sale UK

Posts related to Mitsubishi delica D5 for sale UK

Mitsubishi delica-D5-for sale-uk

There’s nothing quite like the Mitsubishi Delica line of vehicles. 

The car world has gone the way of the SUV and crossovers. Drivers don’t necessarily value speed, sleekness, or small size anymore. What they want is something practical and spacious with good manoeuvrability and gas mileage.

The Mitsubishi Delica is the perfect fit for that kind of mindset. The Delica is Mitsubishi’s answer to the growing world of SUVs. Part cargo van, part SUV, the Delica is the perfect blend of luxury and utility.

In this post, we’re going to talk about the many features of the Delica, which is now available to be imported into the UK. The 2019 D5 is the latest in a long line of Delica production and features all the latest technology in this classic Japanese utility vehicle. Let’s dig in.

History of the Mitsubishi Delica

The Delica was originally concocted in 1968 by Mitsubishi. The original design was based on a pickup [...]

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