Congratulations for discovering the best route for privately importing a used car from Japan! You will now need to email us and request to simply be put on the daily email list for your model of your desired car. We are the Major UK Importer / Supplier for more than 30 years and supply to the UK trade, you have the opportunity to import under trade conditions and save thousands of pounds! Here are some help points below on the most commonly asked questions.
- Japanese Auctions are every day except Sunday.
- There are on average 10 auctions per day with as many as 14,000 units in any 1 auction.
- We attend every auction and only consider purchasing if we can physically inspect the vehicle.
- There are as many as 700 people on each vehicle model of our daily email lists, so please understand that not every vehicle on the email is directed at you.
- You are welcome to bid on more than 1 vehicle at any one time, please simply advise us that you only want the 1x unit!
- You cannot bid on any unit unless you pay the fully refundable £420 commission fee. The fee is transferable and there is NO time limits or number of cars you can have inspected.
You are welcome of course to call us at any time for further un-obligated assistance. See our ‘Contact’ page.
- I receive daily emails with some photos and an auction inspection sheet, what does the auction sheet mean? A: It is an independent inspection showing the age, mileage, model and any faults or salient points. The report is very precise and ‘picky’. They highlight even the smallest mark, scratch or stain
- What do the letters mean? A: U is a dent, B is a pointed dent like a Supermarket Trolley dent. A is scratch. The numbers next to any letter is the degree or severity starting at 1.
- What is the Auction Grading? A. Grading is given by an independent vehicle examiner and Universal recognised numbering. It is: S is brand New, 0 Miles, it is then 0-5, with 5 being ‘As New’. It then declines in .5 increments. 4 is very good and 3.5 is about average. Expect a 3.5 for a 10 year old car with age-related marks and dinks. Interior is graded A-E. A is ‘As New’. Expect C as average, B is above average. ‘R’ Grade is replacement parts or panels, normally with manufacturers approved but we need to inspect the part/panel.
- What is the price next to the comments? A. That is our guide price OTR UK (On the Road UK). It is a simple guide and you can bid up or down from the guide.
- What does the OTR UK guide price include? A. It includes the purchase price in Japan, all necessary export transportation and documentation, Freight to UK, Import duties and Vat, UK conformity testing, Mot (Subject to pass) & UK Registration.
- Does the OTR price include your fee? A. No. The Commission fee is separate (£420)
- What other fees should I add? A. None except UK Road tax for the Vehicle at the current rate.
- Is the OTR UK price a quote? A. No, it never can be as it is an auction, it is a simple guide to help you place a bid and avoid you trying to calculate the additional fees.
- How do I calculate the Japan auction bid price? A. You don’t, we do that. Just state your desired OTR UK price
- What if my bid is insufficient of the Japan selling price? A. You won’t buy the car.
- What if I bid high and I buy the car within my bid price? A. You will pay the winning bid price regardless of your ceiling bid
- Can I bid without paying the £420 commission fee? A. No. You will get the emails but unable to bid or ask for inspections
- How many attempts can I have? A. Unlimited, as long as you wish, as many as you wish
- What if I never buy? A. The Fee is refunded in full (less any Paypal or credit card charge that may have been made)
- When do I bid? A. Japan is 8 or 9 hours +GMT. You must bid the same evening as the mails come out generally to be sure of bid submission
- Are all cars inspected prior to Auction bidding? A. YES, if we cannot inspect we will NOT bid. This is for your peace of mind and ours!
- How long does this take? A. Generally from Japan purchase to UK drive 10-12 weeks. (Unless circumstances beyond our control such as manpower strikes, vessel unservicable, war, port closure etc)
- Do I need to do anything at all? A. No. We take care of the entire procedure from purchase to UK Drive. We can even deliver to your door.
- What if I see a car on the email and I want more details? A. Either Pick up the phone and call or email us, members of staff are on-hand to assist. 01803 391142
- What if I don’t fully understand the Inspection Report? A. Either Phone or email and ask, experienced staff will always answer your questions.
Should I do anything else? A. Read the Terms and Conditions in the link above.